Did you know that you can support Lauderdale House while you shop? With Amazon Smile, you can choose to donate a portion of what you spend to support our charitable ends - without any cost to you!

How does it work?

AmazonSmile features the same products, prices and shopping features as Amazon.co.uk. The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, 0.5% of the net purchase price from eligible purchases are donated to a charity of your choice! That means that Lauderdale can raise funds as you shop.


How can I set it up?

It's easy to set up Amazon Smile, and there's no cost to you. Here's how to do it...

  1. Go to smile.amazon.co.uk
  2. Sign in to your Amazon account using the same details as normal. Or, create a new account.
  3. On the site homepage, under the main search bar there will be a line that reads ‘supporting: name of charity’. Hover over this and a box will appear with a default charity and information about the current charity. On the bottom left of the box there is the option to ‘change your charity’ Click on this.
  4. You will be taken to a new page with the option to ‘pick your own charity organisation’. Type ‘Lauderdale House Society’ into the search bar and press Search.
  5. Select the option ‘Lauderdale House Society Ltd.’
  6. Once you have chosen Lauderdale as your charity of choice, you do not have to do this again - we will be listed as your charity every time you use AmazonSmile.

To make sure that money is donated to Lauderdale House, you need to shop at smile.amazon.co.uk each time you visit Amazon.